Randy Pangilinan Esmenda

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step


"Bible Quotes"

The Bible
Matthew 17:20
I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there" and it will move.

1 John 3:18 NRSV:
Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.

Judges 5:31
May they who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength.

Jonathan Swift: May you live all the days of your life.

Job 34:3 NIV:
The ear tests words as the tongue tastes food.

Jesus: The kingdom of Heaven is within you...

About the Project

Power Inverter
12Vdc to 220Vac


In places where electricity is not available, a portable electric generator and a battery are alternative power sources.

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Technology News


Listen to Ads and Make Calls for Free

By now, I think most of us have occasionally listened to an ad or two in exchange for a free 411 directory call. (If you haven't tried 1-800-FREE-411, it is worth the extra time and pitch to avoid a $1.50 or $2 add-on to your wireless bill when you need a number right away.)

But would you consider doing the same in exchange for free calling time and text messages on a phone plan? A new mobile service called Blyk launched in the UK offering just that as a way to offer more affordable cell plans for consumers and build up advertising dollars in the mobile market.

As the New York Times reports, Virgin Mobile offered a similar plan here in the States this year, but how Blyk fares will be watched closely to see if this is a model that will appeal to consumers and advertisers. The Virgin Mobile plan offers the chance to earn up to 75 free minutes a month by listening to and watching ads on the computer—then answering questions to prove they were paying attention!

So, does it appeal? For me, the savings would have to be substantial to suffer through ads to use a cell phone. And the kinds of ads would definitely play into the decision, too. Talk to me when all three of my kids have cell phones, and I may be more open to it, but I'm not sure. 

LINK: Getting Free Cellphone Calls for Ads



Talk, and Your TV Listens

Shouting at your TV might actually have a measurable effect thanks to a new, voice-activated universal remote.

Discovered by the bloggers at CrunchGear, Hammacher Schlemmer's Voice-Command Universal Remote ($50) lets you take charge of your DVD, DVR, cable and/or satellite box, and other home-video components by simply barking a few terse orders. According to the specs, the remote (powered by four AAA batteries) comes with a list of codes for various manufacturers and components, and a "talking help button" promises to jump-start the programming process. The remote also comes equipped with actual buttons in case you go hoarse.

Mind you, the VCUR doesn't look nearly as advanced as, say,
Logitech's Harmony 880 Universal Remote—for example, I'd like to see how this voice-activated wand handles switching between multiple video and audio inputs via a home theater receiver—but still, it might be just the ticket for couch potatoes who have only a DVD player or VCR hooked up directly to a TV.

Another Reason To Stay In Bed: The Voice-Command Universal Remote Control


 Study Says Cell Phones Cause Hearing Loss

I feel like Chris and I are tag-teaming on posts about the ill effects of cell phone use, but that's all we hear about these days. One study he mentioned yesterday suggests that cell phone use may slow your brain activity if you're a frequent mobile phone user. You might have good focus and better concentration, but your brain activity may be a little sluggish.

Today I found out via Switched that researchers at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in India found that people who talk on the phone for more than an hour a day could suffer from high-frequency hearing loss, particularly the ability to hear consonants such as s, f, t, and z. They also think that the longer you use a cell phone, the more damage you do to your right ear. An early warning sign of high-frequency hearing loss, according to the full report here, includes a warm sensation, fullness in the ears, or ringing indicative of damage to the inner ear. We've heard that loud music is dangerous to our ears many times before, maybe it's time to turn down the volume on our cell phones too.

Cell Phones May Cause Hearing Loss [CBS News]
Prevent Tech-Related Hearing Loss
MP3 Players Still Making Us Deaf

Technology News


Low on minutes? You
may be able to "buy
some time" by watching

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This voice remote
hears your every
command. Now we're

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One study claims
that frequent cell
users can suffer
from hearing loss.

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Posted by Randy



Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering